update 16/08/2014


I finally have my first ever players handbook for dungeons and dragons.

*It’s an odd experience transitioning from an active character to a dungeon master.*

 I was trying to join a D&D group at the game shop, until the person at the till started to talk about there lack of DM’s and how they need volunteers.

*O_o It would end up being the blind leading the blind.*

Seeing as the is a £5 entry fee I might get paid for doing it however, that just gives me more reason not to do it (I don’t want to screw up if people are paying to play).

Just because I have ordered the latest books doesn’t mean I have any real experience in running a game.

It’s hard to gather enough players to make the adventure fun (I would preferably like at least 3 players to turn up).


^_^ I got some goggles from my last con in order to give me a confidence boost. 

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